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Planning Board Minutes 1-05-2017
January 5, 2016
Public Meeting

Members & Staff Present:                
Jeanne Cahoon (Vice-Chair), Chris Condon (Chair), Colleen Giffin (Staff),  
Bob Holmes   (Member), Steve MacDonald (Member), Janet McEwen (Member),  
  John Robertson (Ex-Officio), Michael Frosch (Member),          

Members Absent:  Elsa Voelcker (Alternate), Lynne Rosansky (Alternate) Carol Ogilvie
7:00 PM Regular Meeting: Chair Condon opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.
Public Present: Ray Ledgerwood

Approve December 15  Meeting Minutes
Ms. Cahoon moved to accept the meeting minutes of December 15.  
 Ms. McEwen seconded.
Mr. Holmes enquired about if the meeting minutes were made available
to the public before the Board approved them. Ms. Giffin explained that
the minutes would be made available to anyone who asked for them
five days after the meeting, but it would only be a rough draft.
Ms. McEwen moved to accept the amended minutes. Ms. Cahoon seconded
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed to accept the amended minutes.

Chair Condon asked Mr. Ledgerwood if he came to speak to the group or
just to watch the meeting. Mr. Ledgerwood expressed his concerns about letting
the Antrim 2020 lose its momentum. Several members of the Board let him know
that their groups had meetings scheduled over the next several weeks.

Antrim 2020
It was decided that the Board would like more time going over the final Antrim Community Profile
packet and they would like to in align with Masterplan. They will bring their ideas for discussion to the next meeting.

Southwest Regional Planning Commission
Mr. Ledgerwood came before the Board to let them know that he has a quarterly Commissioner’s
meeting coming up on January 11 and he will come back before the Board to let them know what
he learned. The Board gave Mr. Ledgerwood some ideas that he can discuss with the other Commissioners.
Chair Condon read J.B. Mack’s e-mail about coming to speak with the Board about the
Highway Business District. Mr. Mack also expressed an interest in talking with the Selectmen about the Rt. 9 rest area.

Ms. McEwen’s and Mr. Frosch’s terms are up this spring. Mr. Frosch told the
Board he will not be running again due to other commitments he has with The VFW. The week to sign-up for an office is January 26 to February 3.

Mr. MacDonald asked that the minutes reflect that the Planning Board is aware of the Wind Tower decision the SEC made.

Motion:  Ms. McEwen made a motion to adjourn. Ms. Cahoon seconded the motion.
Vote:  By a voice vote, all agreed.

Meeting adjourned   7: 47 PM
Respectfully Submitted By,
Colleen Giffin Secretary of the Planning Board